Crust are a band from Russia that plays a mixture of post black, sludge and doom metal and this is a review of their 2023 album "Dissolution" which was released by Avantgarde Music.
A very dark yet heavy sound starts off the album while melodies can also be heard in some of the guitar riffing at times. When guitar solos and leads are utilized they are done in a very melodic post metal style while t he vocals are a mixture of death metal gr4owls and black metal screams and all of the musical instruments also have a very powerful sound to them.
When the music speeds up a decent amount of tremolo picking and blast beats can be heard which also gives the recording while the slower sections of the songs bring in elements of sludge and doom metal. Clean playing and acoustic guitars can also be heard on some of the tracks and the album also mixes in a lot of dark atmospheres, synths and spoken word parts can also be heard briefly.
Crust plays a musical style that takes post black, sludge and doom metal and mixes them together to create a sound of their own. The production sounds very professional while the lyrics cover the degradation of morality in contemporary society and the acceptance of inevitable death.
In my opinion Crust are a very great sounding mixture of post black, sludge and doom metal and if you are a fan of those musical genres, you should check out this band. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "He Carries The Fog" "God Made Some Hearts Of Stone" and "Blazing The Trail In the land of Suffering". 8 out of 10.