U.S.A/Sweden's duo Ringare has returned with a new recording which shows the music going for an atmospheric from of black metal and this is a review of their 2023 album "Of Momentous Endless Night" which will be released on December 15th by Avantgarde Music.
Rain and thunder sounds start off the album along with some atmospheric sounding synths a few seconds alter which also mixes in with the heavier sections of the songs. Melodies are also added into a lot of the guitar riffing while most of the tracks are also very long and epic in length and when the music speeds up a decent amount of blast b eats can also be heard.
Vocals are mostly high pitched black metal screams while the songs also add in a good mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts. Clear vocals can also be heard in certain sections of the recording along with the album also mixing in influences from both the old school and modern era of the genre.
On this recording Ringare goes for more of a synth orientated and epic style of atmospheric black metal. The production sounds very dark and raw while the lyrics cover past battles, nefarious rituals and Satanic summoning's.
In my opinion this is another great sounding album from Ringare and if you are a fan of this musical genre, you should check out this recording. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Usurping Dark Magicks" and "Blood pact Vindication". 8 out of 10.