It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.
Theodore Roosevelt
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Sat Sep 30 2023, 2:30 pm
Dialogs explained

Profile Dialog

This dialog allows to add or edit profile information. You can also edit the profile information and other setting in the profile information & setting page

The information for each of the data fields will be explain in this paragraph.

Category: Defines the type of entity you profile represents, options are: Organization, Business, Group, Professional, Person, Pet, Place, Other. These categories: Organization, Business, Professional add extra functionality to your profile. Like commercial operations management, point of sale capability and more.

Name:the identifiers of your profile.

Icon Image: logo or picture to represent your profile

Background Image: imagine related to your profile image and mood

Location: physical place where the entity represented by your profile is located

Color Text & Background: color corresponding tk the look & feel of your profile

Font: type of letters the goes with your profile look

QRC: type QR Code to represent your profile. Icon mean it has the icon image in the middle.

Card: look & style of the presentation card

Profile: look and style if the public profile page that the general public will see

Description: text describing you or the Entity that the profile represents.

Link Dialog

This dialog allows you to add or edit links in your profile

The information for each of the data fields will be explain in this paragraph.

Web Address: Email:,Tel:, Whatsapp:


Extra Text:

Icon Image

Color Text & Background:

Status: visibility status of the link to the out side world

Publication Dialog

This dialog allows you add or edit the publication information for a profile

The information for each of the data fields will be explain in this paragraph.

Title: subject that your publication relates to

Categories: general categories of your publication

Subcategories | Tags: persona categories or tags of uour publication

Color Text & Background:

Feature Image: inage to represent your publication

Date: the publication is/was made available

Status: visibility status for the general public

Content: text, images, audio, video or other media or code that is to be published

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