“Don’t take too much advice. Most people who have a lot of advice to give — with a few exceptions — generalize whatever they did. Don’t over-analyze everything. I myself have been guilty of over-thinking problems. Just build things and find out if they work.
Ben Silbermann, co-founder of Pinterest
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Mon Jul 29 2024, 5:25 pm
Caixão Interview


1.For those that have never heard of you before, can you tell us a little bit about the solo project?

Caixão is a solo project I created back in 2017 when I returned to Portugal after living some years abroad, to connect more with the scene and express my views on Black Metal. This is something I wanted to do since I was a teenager. At first I wanted to find a drummer but then I decided that I wanted to do everything by myself and I started to learn some basic drumming. My idea was to produce BM inspired by the late 80’s and early 90’s legends but with a personal touch.

2.In the last few years you have released a couple of demos, a full length and been a part of a split, musically hoe do they all differ from

each other?


Up until now, at least, I try to produce something different with every new release. My promo track from 2017 was a tribute to bands that use the bass as their most important instrument, like old Necromantia, Barathrum and Nergal (Greece). The first demo is probably more raw and direct. The full-length is short but has a lot of ideas, more melodies and it has more Mediterranean metal influences. It’s the first release that I did with a specific concept, a periplus in the Hispanic (old meaning) coast in ancient times. The split, as you know, also has a concept which is related to Egypt and I tried to create a sound that would fit into that.

3.The lyrics on the split deal with Ancient Egyptian themes, can you tell us a little bit more about your interest in this topic?

To be honest, I'm no expert but this split made me read more about the religion and history of Ancient Egypt. I found the theme of Hellenistic culture in Egypt very interesting for example. Caixão has no lyrics. I wrote or cited a text that evokes the title of the song or the feeling of the music for each track.

4.On your other releases you also have covered Pre Roman Iberian History, which historical events have you covered with your songwriting

so far?

What interests me the most is the interactions of indigenous people from the Iberian Peninsula in proto/pre-history and other Mediterranean cultures. Mainly the time when the first alphabets were created here and the Phoenicians created their first colonies, being the most important Gadir (modern-day Cadiz).

5.I know that the bands name means 'Coffin' in Portuguese, how does this name fit in with the musical style that you play?

Caixão is my nickname, everybody calls me by that name. And the project is a solo one, it was not hard to choose. The name fits the music I guess!

6.Can you tell us a little bit more about the artwork that is presented on the split album cover?

The album cover was made by Heidi who also plays in Ride for Revenge and Regere Sinister and she is one of my favorite artists in the scene. The cover shows her personal vision of the Duat and was inspired by the Book of the Dead.

7.With this project you record everything by yourself, are you open to working with other musicians or do you prefer to work solo?

I’m open to inviting other people but it will always be my solo project! I’m working on something with other people right now. Maybe next year it will be ready.

8.You are also the editor of 'Fall Of The Idol' zine, can you tell us a little bit more about the bands and musical styles you have covered with

this zine?

My zine is called Fall of the Idol. It’s basically a Black Metal zine even if I already featured other styles. I try to mix new bands with obscure old ones. I’ve interviewed some cool bands like Sagatrakavashen, Hoth, Master’s Hammer, Holocausto, Martyrium (Germany), etc. I try to present bands that play Black Metal but not in the nordic/raw bm style. I'm not against those styles and I listen to them but it’s not the concept I want to create with the zine. Caixão and Fall of the Idol follow more or less the same tastes! So if you like the band, check the zine! I should release another issue soon but sometimes I feel lazy to finish it.

9.Recently you where a part of a split with Decayed and Cemetery Lights, what are your thoughts on the other bands or musical projects that had participated on the recording?

Decayed are friends and they were the band that got me into underground music! I am a huge fan of them and respect them a lot. C.L. started around the time that I started Caixão and we share influences, both musically and “lyrically”. I interviewed them in Fall of the Idol #1 and I think their first album from 2019 is one the masterpieces of this century’s BM.

10.The split was released on 'Down With The Most High', can you tell us a little bit more about this label?

They are professional and obsessed with detail and that is always good. It’s not everyday that a label offers a limited edition with a special silk screened insert made with real papyrus, as is the case with this split album! In terms of creating the concept for this split they were as important as the bands. I also like that the label is Spanish because I have a great connection and good feeling with Spanish people. The most important is that the style of BM they release and philosophy fits me 100%. I could say the same for all the labels I work with. It’s more than a business thing.

11.On a worldwide level how has the reaction been to your music by fans of black and death metal?

It has been good to have contacts with people from all around the world and the reactions are mostly positive. I would like to have more contacts from the Nordic countries…

12.When can we expect another full length and also where do you see yourself heading into as a musician during the future?

The next full-length I think will be out in late 2024 or early 2025, it is already recorded. In the future I don’t know, but the last track I recorded for Caixão (after the tracks for the next album, for a new split) has some influences from Pentacrostic, Amen Corner, Profane Creation, Argentum. But who knows, maybe I’ll do something very different from that!

13.What are some of the bands or musical styles that have had an influence on your music and also what are you listening to nowadays?

This could be a long answer! Well I have too many influences to cite but I can be more direct regarding this split: Yamatu, Rotting Christ, Root, Moonspell, Master’s Hammer, Salem, Manowar and Iron Maiden. Also traditional music from Egypt, Greece and the Middle East in general. I can tell you what I listened to today too, for example… Blasphemy, Chemical Death, Sarcofago and Acheron. Overall,I listen to almost all styles of music and learn from that.

14.Before we wrap up this interview, do you have any final words or thoughts?

Thank you for your interest and the interview and keep doing something for the underground! Thanks to all the people that support Caixão! You’re welcome to contact me through joaocostagaspar@gmail.com